The One City All-Star Extravaganza (OCASE) celebrates, promotes and   elevates extracurricular activities and athletics in Washington, DC.

OCASE Foundation work is to guided by “Conscious Collaboration,” our standard for work that fosters mutual respect, productive linkages among citizens, any more effective results. As part of “Conscious Collaboration,” we have established partnerships with organizations dedicated to our common goal—high achievement for all DC students, regardless of background

Encourage participation in extracurricular activities and athletics at all levels throughout the District of Columbia. Recognize student-athletes, coaches, administrators, and schools for their achievements. We also believe that having an equal opportunity for young girls, to be active and to play sports the same way as boys provide them and opportunity to grow, and find their potential as , girl women and people.

Promote democracy in sports through the pursuit of fair play, sportsmanship integrity, eating right and character. Increase communications and professional enrichment opportunities for parents, coaches, athletic administrators, community and the city at large. To help students, parents and others finds ways to continue their education.

Sports is an outlet for kids. A chance for them to be creative, exercise, learn how to succeed and how to fail. Physical activity is vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their physical, social and emotional health. The benefits of sport reach beyond the impact on physical well-being and the value of the educational benefits of sport should not be under-estimated.